Started October 2015
UPDATE: (07/05/2016) I have been painting nothing but bronze for awhile. Finally half way done with the Successor Troops. Once I finish with bronze, I will paint leather on every mini....after that probably color, such as white, red, blue, etc. I am a ways off from completion but it will be worth all the hard work when done. I also at the same time repainted all of my Roman Auxiliary troops, I painted their helms Bronze instead of iron.
Anyways back to painting.
UPDATE: (10/05/2016} I am still working away, so far I have completed colors of Flesh, Bronze and Leather. I just finished the cavalry horses completely. Next I am starting on tunics and clothing colors of mostly red, orange, maybe blue and also working on the armor cuirass and linothorax.
UPDATE: (10/15/2016) Started Color on the Italian Allies finally, the ones with color on them are not done, just mainly tunics and armor are finished, still have the whole horde to go through first. After that will be wood, metal, touch up, washing and dry brushing.
UPDATE: (10/17/2016) Finished color of the Italian Allies moving onto the Romans. The Romans are in white already so all I really needed to do was put color on their plumes. I will do all the weapons in another run across all the figures. The armies are starting to take shape, this is where the fun of painting finally begins. Kinda put me into overdrive. I should be painting Macedonians all weekend coming up. Keep in mind nothing has been ink washed and all colors will be toned down dramatically.
UPDATE: (10/22/2016) Finished the Romans, started the Macedonians, adding color to their tunics and armor. A long way to go, but making progress.
UPDATE: (10/23/16) More Macedonians almost finished. Painted all weekend.
UPDATE: (10/24/16) Another Macedonian unit painted partially. Moving along at a good pace. Trying not to get burned out, Macedonians take a lot of time to paint.
UPDATE: (10/27/16) Finished (or finished the tunics and armor) the 4th Macedonian unit. Working on the 5th now. It seems I have got my wind back now. I have been going strong again painting like I used to. 4 more Macedonian units and then on to the Roman Cavalry.
UPDATE: (11/25/16)
busy finished everything just have to go back and do all weapons, ink wash and
shields then base and flock everything. However I had to get some more Roman
Cavalry. I thought I got nothing but Roman cavalry, turns out there were
also Successor cavalry in the mix as well. Needed some more
horses and Romans to go on them from Aventine Miniatures. Starting those today.
Update 11/29/16
Finished (or rather I have not finished the bases) the Roman Cavalry (1st wave). I am now painting the new batch of cavalry that just came in. Once the cavalry is done, I will go through all minis and paint their weapons and then ink wash them all. Moving along well.....probably finished in March maybe sooner.
UPDATE: 1/4/17
Started painting weapons and washing figures. Both Roman and Macedonia cavalry units done. I finished all the Roman infantry and washed them in ink. Working on the Italian allies now and fixing to wash them in ink. Next are the Macedonians phalanx. Then to basing. I did buy some Roman casualties to paint but they are easy to paint up.
UPDATE: 03/12/17
Finished. Everything is done. See very end for completed pics.
16 months of painting.
The beginning.......

UPDATE: 10/06/2016
(Update 10/23/16)
Update: 10/27/16
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