Friday, November 1, 2019

New Wall in Game Room

My rather larger game room for epic sized games is in the garage. After 20 plus years I decided to add AC to the garage and I had to  put a wall up in front of the garage door to keep the hot and cold air out or depending on the weather. Even had insulation sprayed in above the garage as well as the entire attic. I also had to replace mr entire VAC and I mean replace everything, $17000 replace thing. So this lead to the upgrade in my game room. Now it’s just a room in my house. Pretty cool. A lot of work though and not cheap. I kept the walls white. Makes it a brighter room. 

Before pics. Brick wall hangings covering the garage door. 

And the work start to finish.


  1. Wow, that is a great room for gaming!
    I must admit, I'm jealous. In my own gaming room, there is hardly space for a 4' x 8' table, and then it is difficult to get around the table. Anyway, I'm a fan of your mega games!

  2. I can only dream of this. You are a lucky man.

  3. Thank you. yes I am lucky. I had claimed the garage long ago. no wife now to protest about it. But it took me a long g time to get it the way it is now. the ac and the wall is very cool. I will have to see how it works in the hot weather. but the heater is working good in it right now. not super warm but big difference.

  4. Is there any way to get in contact with you? I was hoping to purchase one of your old cities.
