Friday, March 9, 2018

Siege of Mousillon (Warhammer Fantasy) 1540

A Day in the Siege at Mousillon in the year 1540

Mousillon is situated in the marshy valley of the River Grismerie and originated as a trading port. The settlement rapidly grew into a big town, especially during the Dark Age of Bretonnia when refugees from Settra's raids huddled within the walls. Eventually so many people sought refuge here that their hovels clustered around the outside of the walls as well and extended along the banks of the river. Their descendants were to remain as the city's poorest inhabitants finding work at the quays or as sailors on board Bretonnian ships. Needless to say, the lower parts of the city suffered badly from the frequent flooding of the river causing conditions to become unberably squalid. The poor state of the city at this time attracted Skaven and Settra's raiders. Elements of the latter managed to gain hold in the crypts of the city setting up a persistent presence.
Many of the Kings of Bretonnia have desired to cleanse and rebuild Mousillon, but despite every effort the city tend to revert back to squalor. For centuries the Dukes of Mousillon have been trying to hold back the decay, but the battle is now lost for the time being. Like other port cities of Bretonnia with similar poor areas, Mousillon is plagued by the Red Pox from time to time. The last outbreak two centuries ago was so bad that the city was almost entirely depopulated. This happened shortly after the Affair of the False Grail in which Maldred, Duke of Mousillon, dishonored himself. The Duke shut himself up in the castle but failed to escape from the plague and perished. The King has never appointed a new duke.
Mousillon is now virtually an uninhabited ruin. The few remaining townspeople are dwindling or settling in new domains along the coast established by vigorous Knights. Due to this fact, the king and his Knights are tirelessly building a 'cordon sanitaire' of castles around the city which is regarded as virtually lost to Bretonnia. Brave Knights Errant and Questing Knights make forays into the ruins hoping to slay monsters and other fiends. Ultimately the city will be redeemed for Bretonnia in time, but for now, its days as a port are over and it is regarded as a lost territory to be reconquered. The present King is constantly being urged by his Knights to declare an Errantry War to cleanse the city's ruins.

The Knights of Bretonnia lay siege to the City for 3 long years…….

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