Friday, July 10, 2015

Zombie Apocalypse: Aftermath-Outside Atanta

Here is my first Zombie Game. Took me about 7 months to make everything for this table. Along with a few other things I already had on the shelf. I enjoyed making this table, it was a dream come true. I am having fun with this. My wife is in full zombie mode now!! Of course I had to begin outside of Atlanta where the Walking Dead started. And now my own Walking Dead Story line begins...

I plan on having this on my table for awhile (12'x16'). So I will be playing other things with it as well, mostly Apocalypse games, SciFi Games, etc. 

My destroyed skyscrapers I made a long time ago, along with the streets and burned out cars. 

 And the game begins with 6 survivors entering the table. They are trying to rescue some of there people from a building that they got trapped in. They all communicate from small radios. I also added some Tension Power lines that I forgot to put on the table, which are really cool. I am using home made rules for now, which are working good. That is the fun part about it. 

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